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Zero-car neighbourhood planned for a Glasgow car park

September 18 2024

Zero-car neighbourhood planned for a Glasgow car park

A developer with aspirations to build out a giant surface car park in Glasgow city centre has returned to the starting blocks with fresh proposals - two years on from winning permission in principle for a mix of commercial and residential uses with Stallan-Brand.

Vengada Estates still envisage a mixed-use development on the 4.2-acre site off King Street but wishes to update its proposals to incorporate a broader range of tenure types.

Billed as an intergenerational zero-car neighbourhood The Merchant Quarter would combine build-to-rent and co-living homes with student accommodation, offices and a hotel with ground floor retail and leisure units.

In a proposal statement, the applicant wrote: "Three building blocks are proposed, and the location of the blocks and the internal arrangement are designed so that a pleasant and distinctive environment is created. Consideration is given to the neighbouring buildings, with the blocks located to avoid overlooking.

"As it is a planning permission in principle application (PPiP), the uses within these plots remain flexible and will react to market requirements, and these scenarios will be captured within a detailed Development Framework that accompanies the planning application."

A fresh PPiP application will follow in December. 


#1 Posted by Pedro on 18 Sep 2024 at 11:36 AM
Hi UR, the link appears to be for an Edinburgh application
#2 Posted by UR on 18 Sep 2024 at 11:38 AM
Sorry. This is the website address.
#3 Posted by Roddy_ on 18 Sep 2024 at 21:18 PM
This is classic sign that the orignal plan - for better of worse was - undeliverable i.e too costly for a return. My instincts say value engineering- a dimunition and re-negotiation in quality of materials and perhaps a sneaky increase in floors /floor plate size to squeeze the pips out of the site. Buchanan Galleries and St. Enoch's masterplans have both gone quiet and I expect a similar thing with both of them.See also the Blackfriar's masterplan whose quality has nose-dived. The economic cycle is not looking favorable along with the Scot Gov's rental controls, so delvelopers everywhere are either looking to trim the fat and max the reward or delay. Either way it doesn't look good for the quality of development being brought forward. I hope I'm wrong but I guess we'll see what the differences are when the consultation boards are released.
Stallan Brand still masterplanners I wonder?
The Observer
#4 Posted by The Observer on 19 Sep 2024 at 08:27 AM
Original site owner / developer was Tara Properties Ltd, now its Vengada Estates Ltd of the Vrigin Islands.

Looks like SB's scheme was used to flip the site?
Bob Smith
#5 Posted by Bob Smith on 19 Sep 2024 at 09:45 AM
The Scottish Government has made Scotland and Economic No Go Zone for Investors.
We currently have Zero cranes in Glasgow City Centre.
Whispering Andy
#6 Posted by Whispering Andy on 19 Sep 2024 at 10:15 AM
Whisper it.......but could this be a cunning 'green' masquerade to squeeze more buildings into the site?
Fat Bloke on Tour
#7 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 19 Sep 2024 at 12:23 PM
Transport 1400 working their magic.
JD Vance spec development -- meow / miaow ...
No cars means no children.

devilish advocaat
#8 Posted by devilish advocaat on 19 Sep 2024 at 15:13 PM
#5 - are you suggesting that the rest of the UK is awash with investment?
Hairy Hipster
#9 Posted by Hairy Hipster on 19 Sep 2024 at 18:21 PM
Can only assume #8 hasn’t visited London or Manchester in a while, and has no access to construction news. Heck, even Belfast is outperforming Glasgow these days.
#10 Posted by Mark on 21 Sep 2024 at 15:05 PM
#7, you've excelled yourself this time. We're in Scotland, we don't have to buy into right-wing US political tropes about "childless cat ladies" … do we?

Anyhow, little or no parking on site doesn't mean you can't have a car, it just means you have to pay for garaging at another development, or get a season ticket for a multi-storey car park, or join a car club.
devilish advocaat
#11 Posted by devilish advocaat on 23 Sep 2024 at 11:21 AM
#9 - Not sure what the cities I frequent has to do with anything.

Yes there are places that are outperforming Glasgow but there are also other areas that are affected/struggling that are outwith the jurisdiction of the Scottish Government/Glasgow City Council.

It is naive to suggest that the ills we are experiencing are the fault of one or two parties. Culpable in part yes, but many more moving parts than some care to admit.

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